Saturday, August 16, 2008

Its been a while

Well I got to thinking today that I should more then likely keep up on this blog thing a bit more then what I have been doing. So here goes.
Life has had its ups and downs alot lately. I am super hating living in an apartment. Its horrible. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have super crappy upstairs neighbors. Their kids scream and run all the time, the parents yell and swaer at their kids. Its pretty unbelievable. And they claim since they were living there first it shouldn't matter. Which is complete crap if you ask me. I am going to start to see if there is a way out of our lease. But I am sure there isn't. We only have untill April 1st, 2009 but that sure seems so far away I mean really. But I guess thats life for you. You aren't always going to have great neighbors and you aren't always going to like where you are living. But we will manage.

Well I will write again soon. Honest.

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